MIND in Somerset Sedgemoor Community Support Project

The Mind in Somerset Sedgemoor Community Support Project offers support to residents old and new, living in Sedgemoor and West Somerset. We recognise that as communities grow and change there can be pressures and stresses such as isolation and loneliness, housing and employment which can affect mental health and wellbeing.

We offer a 1:1 “drop – in” support service in our Bridgwater office with local 1:1 support meetings around Sedgemoor and West Somerset. We provide a safe space to discuss these stresses. We support access to specialist mental health services, debt and employment advice, community activities and opportunities to improve mental health and wellbeing.

With partner organisations and other local support services we offer community awareness days around the region.

Our  “drop-in” sessions are available   :

Mind In Somerset, Bridgwater Town Hall, High St, Bridgwater, TA6 3AS.

Monday and Friday mornings 9am – 1pm

Wednesday afternoon 2 – 5pm.

Other times are by appointment and in other venues around Sedgemoor and West Somerset.


For further information email :   sedgemoorsupport@mindinsomerset.org.uk

Or telephone : 07521 497108

Website : www.mindinsomerset.org.uk

Mindline Somerset – 01823 276892

Open 24/7